Like the market in which we operate, our company is constantly evolving. Each year we face new challenges and projects, developing and adjusting the offer to customer expectations. The year 2021 was extremely intense for us, and its approaching end is the perfect moment for a small summary!


2021 in numbers

The intense months during which we have completed 23 projects and delivered over 60 machines for customers in the aerosol and CIP industries!

To the group of customers Solmaticwhich now counts over 200 firm, in 2021, there were more 13 new enterprises. We can proudly say that 2021 is for us year of acquisition of 100% Finnish market. Total solutions Solmatic we implemented on 32 markets on 4 continents!


The biggest challenges

Successes were successes, but the past year, as always, presented our team with considerable challenges that we had to face. Our clients are more and more interested automated solutionswhich will increase the efficiency of production processes in their enterprises and will allow to relieve employees from tedious, repetitive work and to delegate them to more interesting and strategic tasks. In addition, last year - similarly to two years ago - we observed a growth the need for remote solutions.

The demanding situation on the global market, shaped by the pandemic in recent months, has confirmed our belief that we must continue to expand and improve our offer of automated solutions and remote support.


What's New?

Parallel to conducting key sales activities for the company, in 2021 we devoted time to developing on other levels.

As a socially responsible company, we decided to make our contribution to the good of our planet - we bet 100% on renewable energy. Thanks to that we managed to reduce the annual emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 19 kg.

We believe in the strength of young and talented people, because they bring a fresh perspective and are our future, which is why in the past year we organized a summer internship program for students, of which the best person joined our team permanently.

In addition, we focused on development of our own CNC machining center with new machines and a teamin order to gain the greatest possible control over the quality of the components we manufacture.

We also carried out website rebrandingto create a platform that is as intuitive for recipients as possible and comprehensive - containing our entire offer and substantive tips for customers.


Direction 2022!

We enter 2022 with new energy and motivation to act. The year 2021 brought us many learning experiences and projects that confirmed our belief that the Solmatic strategy is a good way.

In 2021, we appeared at international fairs Beautyworld Middle East in Dubai, where we presented our wide offer for the cosmetics industry. The success of the Dubai fair gives you motivation! That is why we are not slowing down in the next year. We will appear with our solutions, among others in Bologna, Amsterdam, Paris, Lisbon and again in Dubai! In addition, we plan branch opening Solmatic in Germanyto be even closer to our customers in Western Europe.


The new year certainly means new challenges. Richer by the experience of the past year, we are prepared for what the next months will bring us. We would like to thank our clients and partners for their trust, and our employees - for their daily toil, efforts and joint work. It is thanks to our employees, their ingenuity, experience and creativity that we are here today. Happy New Year!